
Version 2.5.0 - 31st July 2020 Latest Updated
  • New : IT Solution Landing Live Preview
  • New : Corporate Business Live Preview
  • New : Email Inbox Landing Live Preview
  • New : Task Management Landing Live Preview
  • New : Travel Landing Live Preview
  • New : Blog Landing Live Preview
  • New : Landing One Live Preview
  • New : Landing Two Live Preview
  • New : Landing ThreeLive Preview
  • New : Forums Live Preview
    • Forum Topic
    • Forum Comments
  • New : Case Study Pages
    • All Cases
    • Case Details
  • Added : New Blog Details Page
  • Added : New About Us Page
  • Added : New Company History Page
  • Added : User Account Pages
    • Profile Members
    • Profile Works
    • Profile Messages
    • Profile Payments
  • Fixed : Fixed issue in Comingsoon page
  • Fixed : Fixed issue in Comingsoon two page
  • Fixed : Fixed issue in Maintenance page
  • Added : 8 Elegent Color schemes
Version 2.2.0 - 26th May 2020
  • Update Latest Bootstrap v4.5
  • Update Latest JQuery v3.5.1
  • Update Latest Material Design Icons v5.3.45
  • New Shop landing Live Preview
  • New Added Shop Inner Pages
    • Shop Products
    • Product Details
    • Shop Cart
    • Checkouts
    • My Profile / Account
  • New Insurance Landing Live Preview
  • New E-Book Landing Live Preview
  • New Added Help Center Pages
    • Help center(Overview)
    • FAQs
    • Guides
    • Request Form
  • Fixed some menu issues
  • Menu easily move center to right (css based) and add light menu (css based)
  • Fixed some responsive issues
Version 2.1.0 - 1st April, 2020
  • Update Latest Jquery v3.4.1
  • New Social Marketing landing Live Preview
  • New Digital Agency Landing Live Preview
  • New Online Learning Landing Live Preview
  • New Email Template
    • Email Confirmation
    • Email Alert
    • Email Billing
    • Email Forgot Password
  • Add New Blog Pages
    • Blog Listing Page
    • Blog List with Sidebar
  • Add New Work or Portfolio Pages
    • Work Classic
    • Work Grids
    • Work Masonry
  • Add New Authentication Pages
    • Login Page
    • Signup Page
    • Recover Password Page
  • Added new components in Components Page
  • Update Documentation
  • Fixed couples of issues
Version 2.0.0 - 5th February, 2020
  • New Classic Application Landing Page Live Preview
  • New Classic Saas Landing Page Live Preview
  • New Car Ride Landing Page Live Preview
  • Add New Job page in Careers pages
  • Added new components in Components Page
  • New RTL Version (Only CSS Base)
  • New Dark Version (Only CSS Base)
  • New Dark RTL Version (Only CSS Base)
  • Fixed couple of issues in One Page Menu
  • Fixed couple of issues in mega Menu
Version 1.6.0 - 11th December, 2019
Version 1.5.0 - 20th November, 2019
  • Added RTL Supported Version
  • Added Payments Landing Page
  • Added Cryptocurrency Landing Page
  • Added Software Landing Page
  • Added Comingsoon Page
  • Fixed Responsive and Menu Issue
Version 1.4.0 - 15th October, 2019
  • Added Enterprise Landing Page
  • Added Services Landing Page
  • Added Minimal Portfolio Landing Page
  • Added Docs (Documentation & Changelog) Pages
  • Added Three Contact Form Pages
  • Fixed Testimonal Bug Issue
Version 1.3.0 - 1st October, 2019
  • Added Educational Course Landing Page
  • Added Personal Portfolio Landing Page
  • Added Single Product Landing Page
  • Added Three User Pages
  • Fixed Menu Issue
  • Fixed Responsive Issue
Version 1.2.0 - 17th September, 2019
  • Added Coworking Landing Page
  • Added Event Landing Page
  • Added Cloud Hosting Landing Page
  • Added Portfolio or Work Pages
  • Added Some Utility Pages
  • Added Some Components
Version 1.1.0 - 7th September, 2019
  • Added Hotel Landing Page
  • Added Modern Business Landing Page
  • Added Careers Pages
  • Fixed Some Responsive & Menu issue
Version 1.0.0 - 29th August 2019
  • Initial Released